Airsoft Bb Pellets 6mm 2000 Cyma

Airsoft Bb Pellets 6mm 2000 Cyma

BB Pellet ownership guide for BB Guns - 2022

All of the bb pellets on this site are 6mm, and any 6mm bb pellets will fit any bb gun or airsoft gun nosotros sell on this site.

The only difference is the BB pellets weight (Ranging from 0.12g to 0.40g) and type (biodegradable, tracer or exploding etc)

Every bit a rule of thumb, the lighter the bb pellet, the faster and further it will go when fired, but more often than not, they will be a little less authentic and decumbent to move in the wind more than than more heavy bb pellets, and the heavier the pellet, the improve the accuracy, simply the speed and range of the pellet will autumn the heavier yous go. The impact of a heavier and a lighter pellet hitting you fired by the same gun will exist the same.

So you take to try and get some residue between power and accurateness. This may accept a little trial and mistake to get the right bb's for your gun, just information technology's not so hard, and this is part of the game and loads of fun to exercise, and at the same time, it actually lets you lot become to know your gun.

Quick tip... if your bb'southward are curving upwardly when fired, you demand to turn your hop upwards downward, but if your airsoft bb gun has a fixed hop-up y'all demand more heavy bb's. if y'all dont know what a hop up is see our article here "what is a hop up"

Dissimilar types of bb pellets

Regular BB Pellets

Normal bb pellets are considered the best way to go in most circumstances as they are the most reliable and less prone to breaking or swell. this is cracking for keeping your bb gun in skilful working order and why most airsofters use them, and the best benefit is they are usually the cheapest bb pellets you tin can buy.

angry ball bb pellets

Biodegradable bb pellets (bio bb'southward)

Biodegradable bb pellets volition Disintegrate after some time in your garden or the site y'all are playing on and are unremarkably non-toxic and safe if your pet eats them, but please cheque the label if yous purchase some. Mostly, Biodegradable bb pellets volition cost a little extra than their nonBiodegradable counterparts. One other affair to consider is that they interruption easier on touch and so if yous're shooting at someone who has a mesh mask on they tin can break, and fragments could become through the masks mesh. Some skirmish sites (in wood) and some countries (like kingdom of the netherlands) only allow yous to utilise Biodegradable bb pellets and so they may be your only choice. They are probably the best bbs to purchase if your shooting in your garden every bit you won't have to bother to pick them upward if they annoy you. goto bio bb pellets

bio bb pellets

Softmark marking bb pellets

This type of bb pellet will Leave a chalk mark upon hitting the target you are aiming for, stopping any disputes over if you hit your enemy or not. This a pretty uncommon blazon of bb pellet and in that location are not many unlike types of them available, only they work well, and we have non had whatever of them giving any of our bb guns whatever problems. they work good for target practise or in airsoft games, simply they only come in 0.12g or 0.20g

softmark bbpellets

Paintball BB pellets

This blazon of bb pellet volition Exit pigment mark upon striking the target you are aiming for, stopping whatever disputes over if you hitting your enemy or not. we do non recommend paintball bb pellets with hi-terminate guns, we have not had any problems with them but they are not that strong every bit they are designed to break on impact, and if one were to suspension within your expensive AEG, it would leave an unpleasant mess to clean and potentially form your airsoft gun to jam, and so best leave our paintball bb pellets to cheap spring rifles and bb pistols.

Tracer BB Pellets

Glow-In-The-Night Pellets (normally caller tracers) They provide a great culling to your indoor/outdoor target shooting wars. Because they glow this makes them ideally suited for low low-cal tactical gaming events, you can also see them leave a tracer trail as they fly through the air, but they all piece of work all-time with an add together-on tracer unit on your gun that we do sell, some of them volition glow better than others without an airsoft tracer unit (the Crossman 0.12g piece of work best without one) this type of bb pellet is very strong like the regular bb pellets, but tracer bb's is normally the most expensive you lot tin purchase.

Exploding bb pellets

By exploding, we don't hateful they accident holes in walls or even sheets of paper for that matter (any BB does that!) but they 'crack' on affect with a hard surface much like the Hollywood way special FX when yous see sparking ricochets. but Y'all and anybody else in the area MUST wearable eye protection with solid lenses, NOT MESH, every bit the fragments can enter through the holes in the mesh screen, that said Exploding bb pellets are about the most fun type of bb pellet you can get

Aluminum Metallic bb pellets

Aluminum Metallic bb pellets will are strongest bb pellets you lot can go. They don't really hurt any more than normal pellets when you get hit with them, but they look pretty absurd and will ready y'all apart from the contest as they are quite rare to notice as not many airsoft shops sell them.

metal bb pellets

BB's to Gun Type.

  • 0.12g: – Cheap jump pistols and some low powered electrical guns
  • 0.15g: - good for spring Pistol and electric pistols
  • 0.20g:  – Are the standard bb pellet for most guns on this site and best used with mid range electric rifles and gas pistols
  • 0.25g:  – Good for gas pistols and hi end AEG rifles
  • 0.30g:  – Good for very powerful sniper rifles, hi end gas pistols and gas rifles

Fps to BB Pellet Weight Guide.

The chart beneath is for reference just. The best way to decide the BB weight that works best with your Airsoft gun is to shoot them, this is function of the game and lots of fun. For AEG, Gas guns, and other high-end Airsoft guns, strongly recommend using high-grade 0.20g or above bbs. We only Sell loftier-class bbs and they volition work with whatsoever airsoft gun, all the same, if you use the right bb pellet for yous weapon information technology will give yous optimized performance and gaming reward in your battles. Factors such equally hop-upwards, air current, inner barrel diameter, brand etc volition all play a function in determining the best bb pellet for y'all.

0.12g: up to 200 fps
0.15g : 180 to 250 fps
0.20g: 210 to 350 fps
0.23g: 330 to 420 fps
0.25g: 350 to 480 fps
0.28g: 390 to 500 fps
0.30g: 400 to 600 fps
0.40g: 450 to 600+ fps

bb pellet weight guide


It is no secret that the quickest way to ruin a decent airsoft bb gun is past using crap BB pellets. Unfortunately, many people will still buy cheap bb pellets from market stalls or off of eBay or Amazon, they volition await and sound inexpensive, but that's the problem they are cheap and nasty.  Cost wise they sometimes may exist a pound cheaper or maybe even the same price. but they are so bad sometimes information technology is laughable.


(An Example of poor quality bb pellets commonly sold on eBay or amazon.)

Many airsofters volition buy lower grade BB pellets at places like this, but to apace discover that their airsoft gun no longer fires. Many will say wrongly that the problem with a rubbish gun, but in truth, the crappy BB's have shattered or the bbs deformed shape has got stuck in their guns gears or internals.

If a gun is returned faulty to whatsoever bb guns shop and on inspection information technology'due south been found to take used rubbish bb pellets it will void your gun's warranty. The actress cost to purchase better quality bb pellets is very depression, and if you consider the damage to your gun in the long term, they piece of work out cheaper.

things to look for on crappy bb'due south are pellets that are deformed, out of shape, or they have visible seams sticking out of the bulletin board system, silver or gold sprayed bb pellets is besides a tale tale sign of a crappy bb pellet.

As well do not use the small bundle of bb pellets that come with the guns, as the manufacturers seem to put the cheapest bb pellets in with the gun the can get, (I know its crazy) sometimes they can be ok but usually the poor quality, low-course BB pellets may cause impairment to the bb gun, the guns will just have about 50 bb's with them, and the value of them is pennies, and then it's just non worth taking the adventure.

The bottom line is Always buy proficient quality bb pellets from a known brand, Every bb pellet make on this site will have been tested for quality before we have put it into stock.


Never reuse bb pellets.

1. After a bb has been fired and hit something this may accept cracked the pellet and/or deformed the shape of information technology, and probably has made it weaker. airsoft bbs are made to very precise dimensions with very petty tolerance for a reason, tight bore barrels, and aeg gear boxes have very very petty room for fault and a plain-featured bb pellet will block your gun quicker than you can say pew pew.

two. When you sentinel films of soldiers with their guns they are always cleaning them, right? well airsoft guns are the same it is very important non to get dirt, grit or grease in the internals of an airsoft gun, and the best way to practice this is by not picking them up off of the floor, even if your hands and fingers are not sticky from sweat, sweets or butter from the toast you lot but was just eating they will naturally have oil in them that volition let grit and dirt to stick to the bb's after y'all have touched them. little by trivial this will begin to make the insides of your gun muddy and affect the performance and reliability of it. adept bb pellets can cost less than 5 for 1p so why risk breaking your new aeg rifle for the sake of a few pence.

Brand Types

As to which brand is the all-time or worst for Bulletin board system, there are likewise many brands and way besides many opinions on each to comment. The best style to find out is to buy a well known brand and effort it out yourself.

Good Luck.

Airsoft Bb Pellets 6mm 2000 Cyma

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